The Paris Lab School is recruiting an English-speaking with a good knowledge of French or bilingual French-English teacher who wishes to join the adventure of developing the first lab school in France.
Experience with elementary school children, preferably in 4th and 5th Grades or students aged 9 to 12, is essential to optimize teamwork.

CDD or CDI - Start: September 2024 - Paris

In close collaboration with the management, your general mission will be to ensure the overall implementation of the Lab School Paris educational project, based in particular on the pre-established documents (educational and pedagogical project) and documents currently being developed.
At the heart of this experimental class, you will have to implement, in your support missions, a joyful class climate and a curriculum adapted to the specific needs of each child in agreement with the family. You will be a major actor in the development of the particular project of the class, registered in the school project.

– Adhere to the values of educational caring and the pedagogical project in its entirety and commit to respecting them (see the school's website
– Be passionate about active and cooperative pedagogies and have already implemented them in the classroom
– Willingness to engage in an innovative approach – Willingness to enter into a continuous training process
– Minimum of one year of experience in accompanying a class group (internships not included).
– Remuneration according to profile
– Full-time position (35 hours) including 25 hours of presence alongside the students 

– Participation in exchanges and working meetings as soon as a positive response to your application is received will be necessary in order to best
prepare you for your new position

WORK PLACE - 46 rue de Montreuil, 75011 Paris - Métro des Boulets (line 9), Faidherbe (line 8) or Nation (lines 6, 9 or RER A)

To apply, please send your CV with a cover letter and list of reference at

En ligne du 18 juin 2020 au 15 novembre 2020

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Emplois (19)
Enseignants : Matières enseignées (15)
│ ├ Droit Lettres Philosophie (4)
│ │ ├ Histoire-Géographie (1)
│ │ └ Français (3)
│ ├ Langues (2)
│ │ └ Langues vivantes (2)
│ │   └ Anglais (2)
│ ├ Eco-Comptab-Sc,Sociales (1)
│ │ └ Economie et gestion (1)
│ ├ Sciences et techniques (3)
│ │ ├ Biologie (1)
│ │ ├ Mathématiques (1)
│ │ └ Physique-Chimie (1)
│ └ Autres domaines (5)
│   └ Professeur des Ecoles - Instituteur(trice) (5)
Surveillant ou administratif scolaire (2)
  └ Educateur(trice) spécialisé(e) (1)

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